

Published Fri 12 Jan 2024


The Race Officer was John Allan, ably abetted by volunteers from the CYCA and RANSA, with the mark boat kindly loaned by the RPEYC and driven by RPEYC officials, and David Eastwood on the pin boat loaned by the CYCA

The Championships were run over 12 races on 4 days: with 12 boats including two with youth crews and one all women crew.

The National Champion was John Crawford’s Innamincka and Sailpac from Pacific Sailing School with multi champion Sean Kirkjian at the helm was second. Third was Simon Grain’s Convicts Revenge from Victoria. The handicap division was won by Arthur Carothers Kaotic, followed by David McKay’s Stamped Urgent and the youth team on Waterborne Again.

The championships ended with a dinner served by RANSA's Navy Bear Cafe and MC'd by NSW J24 Asosciation President David West for some 60 J24 competitors, followed by the prizegiving when the place getters, and youth and womens crews were recognised

The full results are here SailSys - Portal

There are photos of the weekend’s action from Marg Fraser Martin here: 2024-01-05 National Championship J24's

The competitors were most complimentary about RANSA and the Race Management, and our thanks to all our volunteers who helped make the event so successful and congratulations to the prizewinners and to all of the participants for a successful and entertaining regatta.
