Find links to interesting articles on sailing, yacht maintenance, and cruising...

Photo: Pearl Bay Qld view from onboard Too Shea by Sue Ellenden & Nick Jones
Have You Got Gas - Be Alarmed!
Many of us have LPG gas stoves on board, but just because it has been checked at some stage does not mean it is safe. This article from MySailing looks at a real world example of what can go wrong and what a good LPG setup should look like.
Gas is arguably the most dangerous element on a boat. If you want to arrive safely and sleep soundly, make sure your gas system is up to standard. It might cost a few ‘bring out another thousand’ (BOAT) units, but better to be right than alight.

This article will then be filed in the Sailing & Cruising Articles page where you can find more like this to help you enjoy your time on the water.
Port Stephens Cruising - Stop Over Destination
Original article By Mysailing
Looking for a safe anchorage while sailing the New South Wales coast? After a quick stopover on your rapid journey north or south?
Or are you looking for a quiet out-of-the-way place for memorable beach barbecues, with swimming beaches, fishing, secluded anchorages, dolphins, fresh oysters, views; yet with all the facilities of the big smoke such as restaurants marinas and accommodation? Looking for easy family and crew access, great offshore fishing, five-star and and no-star facilities side-by-side? Maybe you are looking for secluded nudist beaches and bushwalks?
Look no further than the NSW Port of Stephens. Photo below is view west from Tomaree. Lattitudes is in the middle, VMR tower on inner head. Click here to read the article

Wind chill Explained
Original article By Yachting World
Over the last few weeks the westerlies have been blowing (sometimes but not on Wednesday or Saturday race days) and it has been a bit chilly, especially in the mornings.This article and video helps explain what causes wind chill and how you estimate the wind chill factor. Click here to read the article

Chartering In Phuket: What it's really like...
Original article By Mysailing
Now that it is getting colder in Sydney some of us may be considering a holiday to warmer climes. For the keen sailors and often not too keen partners, what is it like to charter a yacht in another country? Read this article about their experience chartering a Sunsail yacht and cruising around Phuket. Find out if it was a disaster or a success to help you plan for your own trip. Click here to read the article

Where Does All That Power Go?
Original article By Mysailing
Following on from our earlier article on batteries we now look at power management and what you can do to reduce your power usage onboard.
That does not mean you have to have a bare bones boat electrically. How do you reduce the stress and keep it simple without compromising lifestyle?
To make life easier while still keeping creature comforts here are some real world tips on how a cruising couple have simplified their systems by following two simple principles: minimise moving parts and reduce power consumption. Click here to read the article
Battery Basics: Marine electrical systems explained
Original articles By Club Marine & Australian Yachting
How big a bank of house batteries do you need? What are the differences and advantages between flooded, AGM & gel batteries?
Contrary to the popular theory espoused in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the answer to the question of life, the universe and everything is not "42". It's electricity, especially on a modern yacht with refrigeration, wind & sailing instruments, lighting and of course a HDTV!
Here are two articles that give you all the information you need to be able to calculate what size/number of batteries you need and look at cost benefits as to what is the best combination for your needs.
Click here to read the article from Club Marine
Click here to read the article from Australian Yachting
Bureau Of Meteorology - 5 Vital Checks For Boaters
The Bureau of Meteorology is seeking the help of sailing clubs to improve boaters' safety by standardising the messages around checking the weather before they go boating. The Bureau would like to encourage boaters to apply the 5 Vital Weather Safety Checks before heading out on the water.
This action aligns with the marine safety education work plan that is currently being coordinated by the Australian and New Zealand Safe Boating Education Group (ANZSBEG). To support this initiative, the Bureau has recently released the Marine Weather Knowledge Centre which holds range of educational materials to assist the community's understanding about marine safety. This includes step-by-step information about how to do the 5 Vital Weather Safety Checks, along with videos, infographics and links to a range of marine weather forecast services.
Below are some suggested links, including the "Five Vital Weather Safety Checks" for you to consider prior to sailing. This information is important for your safety out on the water.

The scourge of fibreglass - tackling osmosis
Original article By Mysailing
Eventually all yachties have to tackle problems with the layup material of their freedom machines, whether it be rot, rust or osmosis.
It is just the nature of boats, the bottomless hole in the ocean that we so willingly fill. Read about how the owners of Kabuki who had owned their current yacht Kabuki, a 40 year old Westsail 32 for seven years, weighed up the options for tackling osmosis. Click here to read the article

Safe & Secure - The black art of anchoring
Original article By Club Marine Magazine
We all have our anchoring stories either observed or first hand, and we know that some people just won't anchor as they don't have the skill or confidence to do so. There are some magic spots around Sydney & Pittwater, but you need to anchor as there are no moorings, or unlikely to be any available. This article looks at anchoring techniques, do's and don’ts and anchor types so you can make the most of the summer holidays by finding and being safe at that secluded spot. Click here to read the article

Servicing Your Diesel
Original article By Australian Cruising Helmsman – 2009
With the holiday period upon us and many people taking their boats away to thier favourite summer holiday spot or being out on Sydney Harbour for Boxing Day or NYE, the last thing anyone wants is a motor that won't start, or worse fails while underway. Here is an artcle that covers the steps needed to self service your diesel. For those non mechanics (like me) also check out YouTube for videos on just about anything you will need to do & you are not sure about. Click here to read the article

Solo across the Atlantic in a Folkboat
Original article By Australian Yachting World – October 2016
The question Leo Goolden was asked most was “Did you sail that thing here?” Read about his solo trip in an original 1940’s Folkboat from the UK to the Caribbean. Read the article about his preparation and Atlantic crossing here
RYA Advice & Tips for Cruisers
Whether under power or sail, you simply can't beat the feeling of ultimate freedom you get from nosing your boat out of the marina and heading for new shores.
All with the promise of a snug anchorage and a yarn with your shipmates at the end of it.
"Travelling is not just about the destination, it's also about how you get there..."
Visit the RYA website for a wealth of sailing resources and training information
Practical tips for using Jacklines
Original article By Australian Sailing & Yachting - December 2011 | 15 February 2012
Whether cruising with a family or racing to Hobart, you want to get there alive. Jim Orrell shares some tips on staying in the boat by using jacklines.
Jacklines are also called ‘jackstays’. But as one pedant friend pointed out, this could be confused with a stay which is from the bowsprit to the stem.
They are lines which are run on deck from the bow to the stern of a boat so that crew can clip on their safety lines and move about the boat. Read more about safety of when and how to use Jacklines
The eyes have it, sometimes too much
Original article By Australian Sailing & Yachting – July 2016
The human eye is exposed daily to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) with the main source our sun.
Despite information campaigns, the general understanding of sun-related damage remains minimal at best. The aim of this short review is to highlight some of the ocular conditions that may occur through UVR exposure and what can be done to minimise the risk or indeed treat these conditions. Read more about how you can protect your eyes out on the water.
Keeping your Rig Tuned
Original article By Cruising World - November 2016
While most cruisers have a “set and forget it” approach when it comes to rig tune, regularly checking and adjusting your rig can greatly improve your sailing. Read more about some simple checks you can do on your rig.
Ruling the waves - How a simple wave height concept can help you judge the size of the sea
Original article Bureau Of Meteorology 17 December 2015
Predicting the size of the wind-generated waves that roll in from the sea around Australia is not as hard as you might think—especially if you understand the concept of ‘significant wave height’. Read more about wave heights and “significant wave height”

Photo: Lurline Bay October 2016 by Cam Wayland