
RANSA Flags Worn at Blessing Of Fleet

Published Thu 31 Oct 2019

RANSA Flags Worn At Blessing Of The Fleet

At the blessing of the fleet last week there were number of flags flying on our mast. It was quite a significant occasion and the first time all have been worn together. At the top or the Masthead is the RANSA burgee, on the left Yard (horizontal arm) is the RANSA Commodores flag, indicating the Dave Giddings &/or Adrian Gruzman was present, on the right Yard was the Fleet Commanders flag indicating Rear Admiral Mead was present and finally the Australian White Ensign (the Navy's flag) was flying from the Gaff at the front. RANSA is the only non Navy organisation allowed to fly this & was granted this privilege by Vice Admiral Tim Barrett Chief of Navy in December 2017, where he was alos presented with a RANSA flag. Quite a combination on the day once you understand what they all mean.
