

Published Mon 06 Jan 2020

SailPASS is an Australian Sailing initiative to help ensure that those sailing as casual crew are on record, and have the benefit of AS personal accident insurance.

On any given twilight or major sailing event there may be dozens of people sailing and here at the Club and there is no record of who they are and if they may be interested in further sailinig activities with RANSA.

On signing up for SailPASS the individual gives the date they plan to sail and as a minimum email address and mobile phone number. The SailPASS gives AS personal Injury Insurance cover for the day in question. It is perhaps not widely known that boat insurance only covers the owner for personal injury, not crew. Under the current system skippers and clubs often have no details of who is sailing with them – perhaps other than a first name, which is less than satisfactory in the event of an incident, or if you want to contact them to sail again!

For this twilight season all would-be crew who are not members of RANSA or another AS affiliated Club and who do not therefore have AS cover will be asked to register for a SailPASS, and skippers are encouraged to ask them to do so.

The first 3 SailPASSes are free of charge, and thereafter $10 per race up to a maximum of 15 (3 +12) per season – anyone who is racing more than 15 times should become a member! Amounts paid for SailPASSes at RANSA within a year can be credited towards RANSA membership for that year

Getting a SailPASS is easy by clicking on ‘SAILPASS’ on the RANSA website and registering and paying if appropriate online – online registration is mobile friendly and is quick and simple. Once registered subsequent entries are even easier

Click here to register for SailPass

The Sailpass system is completely voluntary at this stage, but it is hoped that it will become a logical step to participation in the sport of sailing. For more information please contact Roger Wragby in the Office
