
Volunteers Wanted For All Committees

Published Sat 27 Jul 2019

RANSA Runs On Volunteers – More Needed

RANSA is a volunteer based sailing club with most functions performed by its dedicated club members. This includes everything from Bar Duty, Working Bees, Start Boat and of course contributing behind the scenes on the various Committees.

As it is the start of the new operating year, we need additional volunteers for all the standing Committees. They generally meet once a month and cover the rest of their work by email.

House Committee – Responsible for off water events and functions including Bar, special events, catering and ensuring a great member experience chaired by the Rear Commodore. The House Committee needs more volunteers to enhance the functions RANSA can put on and assisting with the Bar operations.

Sailing Committee – Responsible for on water racing and cruising and interoperating with other sailing clubs and Australian Sailing chaired by the Vice Commodore.

NEW Grants Committee – With the initial success of a receiving or being short listed for a number of government grants we are looking for volunteers to take this initiative to the next level. Grants can be for on water or off water assistance and really help RANSA’s operating capabilities. Any enthusiastic person with attention to detail welcomed. Reports to the Squadron Committee.

Squadron Committee – The Board of Directors responsible for all aspects of RANSA, financial, non sailing and sailing chaired by the Commodore. Nominations are open and will be confirmed at the AGM

Volunteering with one of the Committees is a great way to get to know RANSA members and make new friends and is what makes RANSA a great club. So, if you are interested in finding out about how you could contribute to any Committee, please contact the Office on 9363 9939 or so one of the Committee members can provide you with additional information.
