
Replacement Constitution Voted in Favour at AGM

At the AGM on Friday 30th August, 2019 93.5% of the eligible attendees or their proxies voted to accept the proposed constitution, so it is now our working document replacing the Articles of Association.

Volunteers Wanted For All Committees

RANSA is a volunteer based sailing club with most functions performed by its dedicated club members. We need additional volunteers for all the standing Committees, and we also want to create a Grants Committee to chase additional government grants. Call the Office for more info, everyone welcome!


We are planning to publish a 'History of RANSA' and need your help! Many members have knowledge of the history of RANSA. Naval, sailing, local community and administrative, and we want to collate these facts into a "coffee table book".

Pirates Day at RANSA Sunday 24 March 2019

Pirates Day is one of the iconic fun and feel good days at RANSA with all proceeds going to the Sir David Martin Foundation. Boat owners this is your chance to host kids for a great day out on the harbour, others volunteer and participate. A chance for all to get dressed up in your favourite pirate outfit with pirate weapons such as super soakers and show no mercy!
